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The Benefits of Earthing: Grounding Your Body to Improve Health and Well-Being

Earthing is one of our favourite pastimes. There’s simply nothing better than connecting with the earth barefoot in nature.
It leaves us feeling rejuvenated and refreshed every time we do it. We firmly believe that the benefits are simply incredible and we couldn’t wait to share them with you.




Earthing, also known as grounding, is based on the idea that direct physical contact with the Earth allows the body to absorb electrons from the Earth’s surface.
These electrons are believed to have antioxidant effects, neutralize positive charges in the body, and potentially provide various health benefits.


Here’s a simplified explanation of how earthing works:


Earth’s electrical energy: The Earth carries a negative electrical charge and is abundant with free electrons. This electrical energy is continuously replenished through various natural processes, such as lightning, solar radiation, and the Earth’s electromagnetic field.


Direct contact with the Earth: When a person makes direct contact with the Earth’s surface—whether by walking barefoot, sitting, or lying down—the body acts as a conductor, allowing the transfer of electrons between the Earth and the body.


Electron transfer: Electrons from the Earth are believed to flow into the body, equalizing the electrical potential between the body and the Earth. This process is thought to neutralize or reduce excessive positive charges (free radicals) that accumulate in the body due to factors such as stress, environmental pollutants, or electromagnetic radiation.


Since the dawn of time, humans have been inextricably connected to the Earth.
From travelling by foot to crafting their land using only their bare hands, our ancestors spent most of their lives grounded in nature’s roots.
In stark contrast, modern society has become increasingly distant from the great outdoors.


As we trade in our ancestors’ conductive leather-soled shoes for insulated rubber and plastic footwear and sleep on elevated beds in our homes, we’re losing touch with the grounding elements that once defined us.


Have you ever wondered how our daily use of appliances and gadgets impacts our health? 


Surprisingly, we are constantly exposed to harmful radiation from electronic devices like mobile phones, microwaves, and Wi-Fi, among many others.


It’s a sea of radiation that bombards us with free radical damage to our cells and tissues.
However, the Earth’s energy can come to our rescue. It helps reduce these free radicals so that our body can naturally heal and repair.
So, if you want to stay healthy and fit, it’s crucial to connect with this natural energy every day. 


Did you know that grounding can affect the living matrix which is the central connector between living cells? 


According to a review study, electrical conductivity exists within the matrix and functions as an immune system defence, similar to antioxidants.
This means that by grounding, the natural defences of the body can be restored. It’s such an interesting concept that further research is being conducted to expand on this idea.


You can read the study here: The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases – PMC




Did you know that Indigenous societies have always believed in the healing power of the Earth? They have described it in different ways, and some of these beliefs are truly captivating.


 For instance, in Chinese medicine, they call it ‘Qi’ pronounced ‘chee’. This term refers to the vital energy that fills the universe.
It is fascinating to see how different cultures perceive the Earth’s healing power and the diverse ways they express it.


Have you ever heard of the belief that the earth’s natural energies can greatly impact our health and well-being?
Well, this intriguing idea dates back to the 19th century in Europe. 
It’s fascinating to learn that in 1891, Louis Kuhne published a book called “The New Science of Healing” which delved into this very topic.
And then, in 1896, Adolf Just published “Return to Nature” which encouraged people to try walking barefoot outdoors.


 Modern scientists are making great efforts to promote this simple and cost-effective method of self-healing, which has captured the attention of people and is becoming increasingly popular.




Inflammation and immune response: Some studies suggest that grounding may have anti-inflammatory effects.
For example, a small study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2010 found that grounding can reduce markers of inflammation in the body. 


Another study published in the Journal of Inflammation Research in 2015 reported that grounding improved immune response and reduced blood markers of inflammation.


Sleep quality: One study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2004 investigated the effects of grounding on sleep.
The results showed that individuals who slept grounded experienced improvements in sleep quality and felt more refreshed upon waking.


Pain and stress reduction: Preliminary research indicates that grounding might have pain-relieving effects and can help reduce stress.
A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2019 examined the impact of grounding on pain, stress, and sleep in participants with chronic pain. The findings suggested that grounding reduced pain, stress, and improved sleep quality.


Cardiovascular health: Research suggests that grounding may have positive effects on cardiovascular health.
A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2013 showed that grounding resulted in changes in heart rate variability, indicating a potential influence on the autonomic nervous system and cardiovascular function.


Pilot Study on the Effect of Grounding on Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS): Published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2014, this study investigated the impact of grounding on DOMS, which is muscle soreness experienced after intense exercise. The results indicated that grounding reduced pain and improved functional recovery following exercise-induced muscle damage.


Effects of Grounding (Earthing) on Body Voltage and Electromagnetic Fields in the Body: This study, published in the European Biology and Bioelectromagnetics journal in 2012, measured the electrical potential of the human body during grounding.
The findings demonstrated that grounding effectively reduced body voltage and exposure to ambient electromagnetic fields.


Grounding after Moderate Eccentric Contractions Reduces Muscle Damage: A study published in the Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine in 2015 examined the effects of grounding on muscle damage induced by eccentric exercise.
The results indicated that grounding after exercise reduced markers of muscle damage, such as creatine kinase levels, suggesting a potential protective effect.


Effects of Grounding (Earthing) on Massage Therapists’ Pain and Function: This study, published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies in 2019, investigated the impact of grounding on pain and physical function in massage therapists.
The findings showed that grounding improved pain, functioning, and quality of life in the participants.


Pilot Study on the Effect of Grounding on Mood Disorders: Published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research in 2015, this small pilot study explored the effects of grounding on mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.
The results suggested that grounding had a positive impact on the participants’ mood and well-being.


It’s fascinating to note that while research on the benefits of grounding is limited, anecdotal evidence suggests that it can be immensely helpful in treating a variety of conditions.
Many individuals have reported experiencing significant improvements in their health after taking up grounding, which includes conditions such as:


Reduction of Inflammation: Some studies suggest that grounding may have anti-inflammatory effects.
It is believed that the electrons absorbed from the Earth can act as antioxidants and neutralize free radicals, thereby reducing inflammation in the body.


Improved Sleep: Grounding has been associated with better sleep quality. It is thought that grounding helps to regulate circadian rhythms and promotes a night of more restful sleep by reducing stress and balancing the body’s electrical system.


Enhanced Energy and Vitality: Advocates claim that grounding can boost energy levels and increase feelings of vitality. This effect is believed to be related to the balancing of electrical charges in the body and the potential reduction of chronic stress and fatigue.


Stress Reduction and Emotional Well-being: Grounding is thought to have a calming effect on the nervous system and help reduce stress and anxiety. It may also contribute to a sense of emotional well-being, relaxation, and improved mood.


Pain Relief: Some individuals report that grounding can provide relief from various types of pain, including chronic pain, muscle soreness, and headaches. The mechanisms behind this potential benefit are not yet fully understood.


Improved Circulation and Cardiovascular Function: Preliminary studies suggest that grounding may positively influence cardiovascular health by improving heart rate variability, reducing blood viscosity, and enhancing blood flow. 


Immune System Support: Some proponents claim that grounding may have positive effects on the immune system. It is believed that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of grounding may help support immune function and promote overall health.


Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Did you know that grounding can do wonders when it comes to reducing stress and anxiety?
This technique is known to promote relaxation and a sense of calmness, which in turn helps alleviate the symptoms of stress and promotes overall mental well-being.


Improved Balance and Stability: It is said that by improving proprioception, grounding can also enhance balance and stability. This is especially significant for the elderly and those with balance-related conditions, as it can help them regain control over their movements and position in space.


Electrostatic Shielding: Grounding may potentially offer protection against the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by electronic devices. It is proposed that grounding can help dissipate and neutralize excess electrical charges accumulated in the body from EMFs.


Wound Healing and Recovery: Some proponents claim that grounding may support wound healing and recovery from injury or surgery. The anti-inflammatory properties of grounding, along with potential improvements in circulation and sleep, are believed to contribute to this benefit.


Mental Clarity and Focus: Grounding is said to help clear the mind, improve mental clarity, and enhance focus. By reducing stress and promoting a balanced state, grounding may support cognitive function and mental performance.




Barefoot Grounding


Grounding Mats or Sheets


Grounding Shoes and Socks


Grounding Pads or Bands


Taking a bath or going swimming




You can find mats, pads, sheets, and socks online.





Walk Barefoot Outdoors: Find a natural outdoor setting, such as a park, beach, or garden, and walk barefoot on the grass, sand, or soil.
Take your time and allow your feet to make direct contact with the Earth’s surface.


Sit or Lie on the Ground: Find a comfortable spot outdoors, like a patch of grass or a sandy beach, and sit or lie down directly on the ground.
You can bring a blanket or mat for added comfort if needed.


Use Grounding Mats or Sheets: Invest in grounding mats or sheets that are specifically designed to establish a connection between your body and the Earth’s energy.
Place them on your bed, chair, or floor, and make sure they are properly connected to a grounding source.


Grounding Shoes or Socks: Consider wearing grounding shoes or socks with conductive soles or fabric when you are outdoors. These allow for direct contact with the ground while walking or standing, enabling the flow of electrons.


Use Grounding Pads or Bands: Attach grounding pads or bands to your body, such as your wrist or ankle, using conductive materials or metal studs. These tools facilitate the transfer of electrons from the Earth to your body.


Incorporate Water Grounding: Take advantage of water as a grounding element. Swim in natural bodies of water, walk along the beach near the water’s edge, or even take a bath or shower while consciously connecting with the water.


Practice Mindful Connection: While grounding, take the time to be present and mindful of the experience. Focus on the sensations in your body, the contact with the Earth, and the calming effects it may have on your mind.


You can read more on Earthing here: https://www.earthing.com/pages/what-is-earthing


Remember, it’s essential to prioritize safety and comfort when practicing grounding.
Be aware of your surroundings, choose suitable locations, and be mindful of any potential hazards.
Additionally, if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns, consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new practice.










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