Hey there, Have you ever felt like you were held back from achieving your goals and dreams? It could be because of those pesky limiting beliefs that have been ingrained in your mind since childhood.
Maybe your teacher said you weren’t good at maths, or a friend told you that you weren’t funny, or someone told you that you weren’t good enough.
You know, the ones that make you doubt yourself and question your abilities. Well, you now can regain that control and we are going to show you how!
So, are you ready for some mind-boggling facts? Well, hold on tight because I’m about to blow your minds!
So, let’s talk about beliefs. You see, many people believe that beliefs are just static concepts and can’t be changed. But, guess what, That’s nothing but a major misconception!
The sources of beliefs are numerous – from our environment, events, and knowledge to past experiences. And the best part? Beliefs are a choice! That’s right, you heard me correctly. We have the power to choose our beliefs. How cool is that? So, what are we waiting for? Let’s choose our beliefs wisely and live our best lives!
Read more here about beliefs ,,, The biochemistry of belief – PMC.
I would love you to think of this as a mindset makeover. that you can rewire your brain to believe in yourself and your abilities and say goodbye to thoughts like “I’m not good enough” and “I’ll never make it.” Because, With these tools and techniques, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
So, are you ready to take control of your thoughts and unlock your true potential? Let’s get started on this exciting journey of self-discovery and growth.
The first step to overcoming a limiting belief is to become aware of it. Once you’re aware of the negative thought patterns that are holding you back, you can start to challenge and reframe them.
Instead of telling yourself “I can’t,” start saying “I can.” Instead of telling yourself “I’m not good enough,” start saying “I’m good enough
After all, there’s nothing more empowering than realising that you are worthy and capable of achieving greatness. And Whatever their source, these beliefs can prevent us from taking risks, trying new things, or moving forward in our lives.
They can keep us stuck in the same place, even when we want to change. We have unintentionally hypnotised ourselves into believing these misconceptions about ourselves.
So, let’s kick those limiting beliefs to the curb and pave the way for a brighter future filled with endless possibilities and learn how to de-hypnotize ourselves!
Throughout our journey, we have discovered some incredible techniques that have helped our clients to break free from self-limiting beliefs and are thrilled to share these life-changing techniques with you, as we are sure you’ll find them highly beneficial.
Think of a belief that is holding you back, and now challenge it, ask questions like…
Have I always thought this?
Is this the absolute truth?
Is this belief real?
How is this belief benefitting me?
Was there a time that I didn’t believe it?
If my friend-family member had this, what would I say to them?
Write your answers down.
Now notice the shift in your thinking.
Now create a new belief suggesting that it’s easy to do.
Create a new positive empowering statement that you believe to be true
You will soon find your perception changing very quickly!
Now your mind is remarkable and awesome!
You can learn how to use it to your benefit, to quickly enable you to make the changes you want for yourself, therefore we are going to show you how to use your imagination for your greater good.
So just find a quiet comfortable place to either sit or lie down.
Take 3 nice deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth and close your eyes, and allow yourself to become nice and relaxed.
Imagine a big screen in front of you and see yourself on that screen exactly as you want to be, exactly as you want to feel, see the way you look,and see it vividly now.
Now make that screen bigger and brighter and see how awesome and amazing you look and feel, really feel it, make that screen even bigger and brighter, see how happy you look, feel how great it feels!
Now go jump into that screen feeling incredible, like a miracle just happened, and store that feeling in your inner self where you can feel like this all the time!
(You can also ask a friend or partner to read this out to you, or record yourself reading it out on your phone and listen to it)
From Fear to Freedom: Tips for Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Every time that limiting self-belief comes to mind, ask yourself “Is that the absolute truth?”
This is such a powerful question and you will find yourself saying no! And just watch what happens!
Talk kindly to yourself and praise yourself EVERY DAY, even if it is getting out of bed, having a shower, a kindness you showed someone or something you did at work, or something you cooked, it can be anything!
Keep a journal and make a note of every self-limiting belief you think, notice a pattern, and use these techniques to help you, you may even remember where it came from or you will learn something. from it and then use these techniques to banish them!
Talk to yourself every day and say:
I can achieve anything
I can do anything
I chose to be positive
I chose to love myself
I am amazing
I choose to be calm and confident
I am Awesome!
Write your own affirmations.
Do this many times over, the brain loves repetition, the more times you do this the more your old beliefs change to new ones.
We are the movies we play in our mind, so think of what movie you would rather be seeing, then find a quiet spot and close your eyes and imagine becoming the director of the movies you play in your mind,
Change that old movie to a new movie and see yourself as the leading role
imagine yourself exactly how you want to be how you want to look and feel then make that screen bigger and brighter, put every detail you want into that movie, and make it yours!
Or you can be the author of your own life book, change the words you hear to positive powerful words and change the titles to empowering words exactly how you want to be and feel. And you can do that now!
Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself about all the awesome things about yourself (kind, funny, hardworking, helpful, etc)
All the amazing things you have achieved (something you did at school, at work, in your personal life)
All the awesome things you are going to achieve (feeling confident, asking someone on a date, promotion or job you want, etc)
Here’s a fun activity to help you achieve your goals! Grab some colourful Post-it notes and let’s get started. Jot down your goals, aspirations, and the way you want to feel.
Now, write them in the present tense, as if you have already achieved them.
Stick these notes in your everyday surroundings- your bathroom, bedroom, lounge- wherever they catch your eye. Whenever you come across them, read them out loud with conviction and BELIEVE that this is your reality right now. It’s amazing how this simple exercise can add a burst of motivation and excitement to your daily routine!
Choose something small you know and feel you can change, then use these techniques to help you feel empowered, and go change that mindset now!! You will be surprised at how quickly and easily you can do this! We believe in you! So believe in yourself!
Feel that desire and passion inside of you to make those changes that you know you want and as a result, you will feel better, happier, confident, and more focused on the things you want to achieve, and you CAN do it!
And remember your mind simply adores repetition, it’s like when you were learning to drive – remember that? There were so many things to remember – checking the mirror, changing gears, figuring out the foot pedals, and putting on your seatbelt.
It felt like a daunting task, but slowly and surely, your unconscious mind remembered it all because you kept at it, over and over again.
And that’s exactly how making positive changes in your life works! So keep at it, and your mind will simply override those pesky self-doubting beliefs.
Once you’ve challenged your limiting beliefs, keep replacing them with more empowering ones. Believe that you are capable and worthy and that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. When you start to believe in yourself, anything is possible!
It takes a little practice to break free from the negative thought patterns that have become ingrained in your mind, but it’s so worth it.
So set aside some time every day to put these practices into action because when you let go of your limiting beliefs, you open yourself up to limitless possibilities.